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Are there any restrictions on how many times you can file for a tax settlement in one year?

To be timely, the protest must be submitted to the FTB before the protest deadline listed in the attached notice, so plan ...

What is the difference between a state tax audit and an irs audit?

The main difference between a state audit and a federal audit is who performs them. Federal audits focus on federal tax...

Are there any restrictions on what type of taxes can be settled through an audit re-determination (ard)?

By law, auditors can examine a taxpayer's books and records to determine the accuracy of taxes paid. Taxpayers must...

What documents do i need to provide for a tax settlement?

And all required documentation as specified in the forms. Use this tool to see if you qualify for an Offer of Commitment...

What are the benefits of a tax settlement?

Benefits of a settlement with the IRS This can help you avoid costly repercussions, such as asset seizures and wage...

What is the difference between a tax settlement and an offer in compromise (oic)?

A compromise offer is when the IRS allows you to pay your federal tax debt for less than you owe. Many (but not all)...

Can i get help negotiating my own tax settlement with the irs?

A compromise offer is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that settles a tax debt for less than the total amount...

What happens if you don't file taxes 2 years in a row?

Penalties can include significant fines and even prison sentences. Fortunately, the government has a limited amount of...